Excess starch does not turn to body fat
An amazing book “Starch Solution” by John A. McDougall, MD and Mary McDougall.
“A widely held myth holds that the sugars in starches are readily converted into fat, which is then stored visibly in our abdomen, hips and buttocks.
After eating, we break down the complex carbohydrates in starchy foods into simple sugars. These sugars are absorbed into bloodstream, where they are transported to trillions of cells throughout the body for energy.
If you eat more carbohydrates than your body needs, you will store up to 2 pounds of it invisibly in the muscles and liver in the form of glycogen.
If you eat more carbohydrates than you can use (as your daily energy) and store (as glycogen), you will burn the remainder off as body heat and through physical movement other than sports, such as walking to work, typing, yard work and fidgeting.
Turning sugars into fats is process called de novo lipogenesis. Pigs and cows use this process to convert carbohydrates from grains and grasses into calorie-dense fat. That’s what makes them so appealing as a food source. Bees do it, too, converting honey (simple carbohydrate) into wax (fatty acids and alcohols).
We humans, on the other hand, are very inefficient at converting carbohydrate to fat; we don’t do it under normal conditions. (The cost for this conversion is 30% of the calories consumed). Subject overfed large amounts of simple sugars under experimental laboratory conditions, however, will convert a small amount of carbohydrate to fat.
For example, both trim and obese women fed 50% more calories than they usually ate in a day, along with an extra 135 grams of refined sugar, produced less than 4 grams of fat daily. That’s just 36 extra calories stored as fat per day. You’d have to overeat all of those extra calories and table sugar every day for nearly 4 months just to gain 1 pound of extra body fat.
The warning about carbohydrates turning to body fat is a myth and nothing more:
In humans, even substantial quantities of refined and processed carbohydrates contribute only a trivial amount to body fat.
The same is not true of animal and vegetables fats, however.
A passenger on a cruise ship gains an average of 8 pounds on a 7-day voyage – caused by dinning on buffets of meats, cheese, oil-soaked vegetables, and high-fat desserts.
So, where does all the belly fat come from?
It bears repeating:
The fat you eat is the fat you wear”
I have taken this text from an amazing book called “The starch solution” from John A. McDougall, MD and Mary McDougall.
I really recommend that you will get this book. It is very inspiring.
He doesn’t want to suggest that you should start to eat refined sugar on regular basis. He just used the example for us to understand how the simple sugar works.
Have a look at Dr. John A. McDougall website
Whole food plant based diet is the best for our health, for our planet and the animals.
I would like to inspire you to do your own research about whole food plant based diet.
That you will come to full understanding why this diet is the ideal for humans.
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