Earth day tips (22 April)
Earth Day Network, the organization that leads Earth Day worldwide, announced that EARTH DAY 2018 will focus on mobilising the WORLD to END PLASTIC POLLUTION, including creating support for a global effort to eliminate single-use plastics along with global regulation for the disposal of plastics.
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Earth Day Tips
• Please stop using disposable plastics, especially single-use plastics like bottles, bags, straws and cups.
• Instead, use your own reusable water bottle, cloth shopping bag and produce bags, your own coffee or tea mug and your own reusable straw.
• Please buy food products in the glass jars as much as possible such as mustard, ketchup, soy sauce, tomato pure etc.
• Reuse these glass jars to store your food in them or use them for a bulk shopping if available for you.
• Shop in the bulk shops and if these shops are not near you, please go for the biggest packaging available.
• Don’t buy new things till you need to replace the old one. If you need to replace the old item go for a more sustainable option. Choose wood, glass and natural materials. And consider buying second hand items.
• Use cloth handkerchief instead of paper one.
• Use cloth kitchen towels instead of paper one.
• Use bamboo toothbrush instead of plastic one and reuse it as a marker in your garden or your plant pot if you can.
• Use menstrual cup or fabric pads.
• Buy plastic free shampoo, conditioner and soap.
• Make your own all purpose cleaner made from 1 part of vinegar, 1 part of water and add few drops of your favourite essential oil.
• Make your own cosmetic products.
• Make your own laundry detergent and softener
• Donate your old clothes and home goods instead of throwing them away.
• Wash your clothes only when necessary, use cold water and line dry.
• Use energy-efficient appliances and electronics.
• Take the stairs instead of the elevator to save energy and to get some exercise.
• Buy local food if possible.
• Grow your own food or herbs or consider joining farm-share group if you can.
• Compost kitchen scraps if you can.
• Reduce or completely eliminate your meat and animal products consumption Learn about whole food plant based lifestyle and the health benefits of this lifestyle and try these delicious recipes.
• Cook from scratch as much as possible.
• Make your own oat milk, almond milk, coconut milk, granola, oats biscuits, tahini, peanut butter, hummus.
Sunflower pumpkin seeds coconut granola
• Join a local park, river or beach clean up.
• Volunteer for a local environmental group and/or make a donation.
• Walk, ride your bike or use public transport instead of using car if you can.
• Talk to your school district or office building to choose reusable utensils, trays and dishes in the cafeteria.
• Pack your lunch in reusable box.
• If you can consider investing into solar panels on your roof.
• Replace your light bulbs to LED light bulbs.
• Change your paper bills to online billing.
• Set your office printer to print two-sided if you can.
• Collect used printer, fax and copier cartridges to recycle.
• Conserve water outdoor by only watering your lawn in the early morning or late at night. Use drought – resistant plants in dry areas.
• Turn off electronics you are not using.
• Turn off your computer at night.
• Turn off lights when leaving a room.
• If you need to recycle item please recycle it correctly.
• Reduce your carbon footprint by taking the test called Carbon footprint Quiz.
Little bit from the HISTORY of EARTH DAY
Close to 48 years ago, on 22 April 1970, millions of people took to the streets to protest the negative impacts of 150 years of industrial development.
In the US and around the world, smog was becoming deadly and evidence was growing that pollution led to development delays in children. Biodiversity was in decline as a fusillade of the heavy use of pesticides and other pollutants.
The global ecological awareness was growing, and the US Congress and President Nixon responded quickly. In July of the same year, they created the Environmental Protection Agency, and robust environmental laws such as the Lean WAter Act and the Endangered Species Act, among many.
From my heart to yours
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Why to live zero waste lifestyle
My journey to zero waste lifestyle
Whole food plant based lifestyle